Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day at the zoo!!

Last Friday Micah and I got to hang out with my good friend Jill and her son Max. We do this once a month to get the boys together to play as well as let us have some girl time. Friday was one of the few days we have had this spring that actually had SUN! We went to the Woodland Park Zoo, and then my house for dinner and some more hangout time! We stayed outside for as long as we could. I enjoy our monthly get togethers and we are really excited for Jill's new baby (Cole) to join our group!

The start of our day!

Micah attempting to touch the goat, he got as far as the tail.

Playing in the dirt.

Micah and Mommy at the end of our day.

Classic Jill and Erin.

Micah and Max just chillin in the lounge chairs.

We had a great day!
"A friend is someone who accepts you - warts, wrinkles, weight and all - unconditionally." (Joy for the Journey) Thank you Jill for being such a great friend!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I'm so glad you had your girls' day out...very good priority if you ask me. And I have been dreaming of taking these two boys to the zoo when they get a little older. I can hardly wait! Little boys just seem to fit in well with the wildlife. hee hee I'm glad you took pictures and now I'm motivated to learn how to upload them so I can add them to my posts. So much to learn! Thanks for you directions. I'll be trying them out later on this evening! (I also like your "stats" section. Very cute! love you, Brandi