Monday, December 22, 2008

Since every one else is....

I thought I should write about the fun snow we are having as well. Bryan just measured outside and we officially have a foot of snow. I don't think I have ever seen this much snow in Washington since I have lived here. The surrounding streets around here are caked with beautiful white snow and everyone is walking to their destinations, which I think is best for all of us if they do. (Most of them don't know how to navigate the roads in these conditions.) Being from Montana you would think that I would be used to this weather, I've seen drifts of snow higher than our house, walked to school in 2-4ft of snow and seen what a real blizzard is. I must admit that I have gotten acclimated to Washington weather and really have forgotten what its like for life just to go on in the snow. I really could just bundle up in a warm blanket, drink a hot beverage and just watch movies all day, however I cant. Out of need I have navigated the roads, quite successfully the past couple of days and will be doing the same today, after all I still have shopping to do! Wish me luck!!


Alisha said...

Micah seems to be enjoying himself. I can't believe how big he has gotten. He looks so different in some of the pictures, it is crazy! I am glad that you are able to get around. My mom has been stuck in her house because she refuses to drive in the snow. I think she is working on two weeks now.

Brandi said...

You could always send some of that stuff down here ya know. I'll take some. It may sound crazy, but I miss the snow. (not on the roads, just in the yard and on the trees where it's pretty and you can play in it.)
I love the pictures of Micah. Hope you had a great Christmas!
love, Brandi