Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to Bryan..

For years Bryan has asked to go skydiving and I have been very adimate that he should have done that before we had kids. Well with his birthday coming up and knowing how much he does for our family so I can stay home, I booked his appointment. We took him down to Snohomish for a nice meal with his family and mine and then drove him to the jump school where I proceeded to tell him that he was going skydiving. His reaction? Not a word! He was so in shock that he couldn't believe it. Deep inside I knew he was jumping out of his skin! It turned out to be a great surprise and he had a perma-grin for the whole evening after his jump. Bryan's instructor was great and made the whole experience worth it!


Alisha said...

What a great wife you are!! I love being able to surprise Ed with gifts that he has no idea about. PS Happy Birthday Bryan (even though I only met you once)

Brandi said...

I have to admit that I'm impressed with Bryan for being brave enough to jump, but even more impressed with you for letting him do it. Great surprise though. That should earn you about one million "wife points" to be cashed in at a future time of your choosing!
love, brandi