I've been looking for a reason to start this blog and now I have one. This weekend was the official kick off to our spring/summer activities as well as shrimping season. We joined our friends the Degans at their home on Hood Canal. The house sits right on the water front and Micah was in complete heaven. He spent most of his time outside playing in the rocks and water. I was very impressed with his bravery, he played with live shrimp, starfish, clams, an octopus and went on a boat ride. Thanks to our friends he was able to experience a true Washington adventure. What a great opportunity this was! I was overwhelmed with joy over the blessings God has given our family, being out in the elements truly makes you appreciate His creation in its perfect balance. I cant wait for summer to officially start so we can spend more time outside!
Micah with shrimp. ( He even de-headed them)
Micah and Daddy on the boat.
Fishing with Dylan.
"So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." Gen 1:21
12 years ago
Nice blog!! I've have been hounded by friends here to start a blog, but just haven't seemed to be motivated enough to do it yet. Maybe once the boys are here? Because then you know I'll have lots of extra time. (That's actually all my friends really want to know about anyway. No one ever asked for a blog when it was just Ben & I. Go figure.)Anyway, I'm glad you've started one. Tell me if it becomes really addictive. I'm curious! Love you! ~Brandi
Glad you three were able to make it out to the canal. And look at that Bryan had fun "fishing" for shrimp! I guess he does have a few things in common with us guys! Ha Ha!
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