Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My weekend in Idaho!

Just this last weekend I was lucky enough to get visit my girlfriend Erin in her home town of Nampa, Idaho. Erin and I meet about 5 years ago when I hired her at the counter. (Clinique) I guess you can say we instantly got along. We love being silly, the latest celebrity gossip, movies and just hanging out. I can say that she is one of those true friends that I can be me in my truest form, and never have to worry about her loyalty. Over the weekend I had a blast, whenever I visit she always has entertainment planned. On the first night, Jamie had a bbq at her house with the night ending in one of my favorite games Pictonary. The next night we shopped and in the evening went to a Burns game (indoor football). I have never been to a football game before (except high school) and we had so much fun. Over all I think the most exciting event of the weekend was the Carrie Underwood concert on Sunday. What a blast! I am so proud to say that I voted for that girl and she is on fire!! Love her! Although I would have been satisfied with just sitting around watching movies, Erin and her friends did a great job at showing me a good time. What a great group of friends she has, they always make me feel like one of them whenever I go over there. I hated to leave and will miss her terribly, until next time. Thanks for the fun times Erin!

Erin and I on my first day, on our way to go shopping.
Brenna, Erin, Me and Jamie, before the football game.
The Burns game.

Yes that's Josh Turner! Love him!

That's Carrie and her band mates. We had great seats!

The girls at the concert!
Close relationships, more than personal satisfaction or one's view of the world as a whole, are the most meaningful factors in happiness. I you feel close to other people, you are four times as likely to feel good about yourself than if you do not feel close to anyone. (Magen, Birenbaum and Perry 1996)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day at the zoo!!

Last Friday Micah and I got to hang out with my good friend Jill and her son Max. We do this once a month to get the boys together to play as well as let us have some girl time. Friday was one of the few days we have had this spring that actually had SUN! We went to the Woodland Park Zoo, and then my house for dinner and some more hangout time! We stayed outside for as long as we could. I enjoy our monthly get togethers and we are really excited for Jill's new baby (Cole) to join our group!

The start of our day!

Micah attempting to touch the goat, he got as far as the tail.

Playing in the dirt.

Micah and Mommy at the end of our day.

Classic Jill and Erin.

Micah and Max just chillin in the lounge chairs.

We had a great day!
"A friend is someone who accepts you - warts, wrinkles, weight and all - unconditionally." (Joy for the Journey) Thank you Jill for being such a great friend!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Hood Canal

I've been looking for a reason to start this blog and now I have one. This weekend was the official kick off to our spring/summer activities as well as shrimping season. We joined our friends the Degans at their home on Hood Canal. The house sits right on the water front and Micah was in complete heaven. He spent most of his time outside playing in the rocks and water. I was very impressed with his bravery, he played with live shrimp, starfish, clams, an octopus and went on a boat ride. Thanks to our friends he was able to experience a true Washington adventure. What a great opportunity this was! I was overwhelmed with joy over the blessings God has given our family, being out in the elements truly makes you appreciate His creation in its perfect balance. I cant wait for summer to officially start so we can spend more time outside!

Micah with shrimp. ( He even de-headed them)

Micah and Daddy on the boat.
Fishing with Dylan.

"So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." Gen 1:21